Thursday, January 9, 2014

2013: Resolutions Reviewed

This is becoming somewhat of an annual tradition now. Bear with me as I attempt to cross-off those I managed to achieve over the last year. GREEN for those met, RED for those I didn't manage to.

1. Affiliate with a professional organization - IEM
I intentionally deferred my IEM registration to a later date. There wasn't a point affiliating myself with the organisation when I don't have the time to travel and join in the monthly activities. Yet I did manage to affiliate myself with Aker's very own professional networking group - the Solutioneers Kuala Lumpur! More on this one sometime soon.

2. Complete a half-marathon - Brooks Half Marathon
Done. In fact, I managed a 2nd half-marathon at the BSN Putrajaya night run, along with a 16km run at the Mizuno Wave Run.

3. Pick up a musical instrument - Guitalele
Failed. In quite epic fashion as well. I'm probably better off picking up the more popular guitar first..

4. Pick up an extra language - Spanish
Failed. Did manage to learn quite a number of basic words and phrases, and the general grammatical rules.

5. Get a new phone
Done - got myself a HTC One X early on last year. Happy with the investment, especially given it still works perfectly fine despite me dropping it from a flying carousel in Tambun (with no cover/protection whatsoever mind you.. bare is just how I ride. Heh)

6. Complete 5 poems/articles
Done. 2 poems. 5 articles (4 of which got published on company's website).

7. Complete reading a classic - Hamlet
Done. Perhaps the most satisfying reads I've had in ages. Such brilliant writing; with such memorable lines that I've even on occasions quipped them before unsuspecting friends, as well as made references in the few blog posts I managed last year. Oh.. and I've practically memorized the entire famed soliloquy.

There. That should set it up for my new set of resolutions for 2014, which at this point still lies in contemplation lol. One thing's certain though. More blog posts in 2014 (FAR more than the meager 9 I managed in 2013!).. although you can expect them to be shorter, with less 'flowery language.' In the words of sweet Queen Gertrude, "more matter, less art."

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