Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolutions 2013

Without much ado, here's this year's list that I'm gonna try to keep to. What I've listed at the back simply indicates my idea of how I plan to achieve each resolution, and it needs to be noted that I'm not constraining myself to these methods alone.

1. Affiliate with a professional organization - IEM
2. Complete a half-marathon - Brooks Half Marathon
3. Pick up a musical instrument - Guitalele
4. Pick up an extra language - Spanish
5. Get a new phone
6. Complete 5 poems/articles
7. Complete reading a classic - Hamlet

I've noted that keeping to these resolutions will in fact make me a bit of a recluse this year in comparison to the last. It's going to be an interesting balancing act, but nonetheless I'll do my best to maintain the existence of my social life. Perhaps I indulged myself in the luxuries of life a few times too many last year.

Here's to health, stealth and whatever wealth that may come of it. :)


Unknown said...

rofl same as dsm kuhan...spanish hahaha

Unknown said...

fair enough =p

Kuhan said...

Off to a good start.

No. 2, 3 & 6 are in progress.

No. 5 has been achieved!!
Behold the upcoming post on my trusty new companion - The HTC One X. ;)

Unknown said...

send me the song via ur one x!!!